I was bummed when we got out TH that it didn't have the deck / playpen from the dealer. They said I could add it aftermarket, but no go on that. In truth, in the three (almost 4) years we have owned it, the back door has been opened 3 times. Once when we bought it - to prove it worked. Once to load the old tires and rims into the garage when I upgraded to g rated tires, and once to unload them from it. The only time I could really see taking the time to set it up (other then to prove I could) would be to use the trailer as some kind of manned base camp. Like at the lake if there are more people then the boat can hold. For normal camping the effort involved in setting it all up and pulling it all down would get REAL old real fast. A set of jack stands (screw type) would make setting it flat (no playpen) almost as fast as opening it.