We just purchased a new 2016 TH. Actual CAT scaled empty weight was 700 lbs. more than the empty weight specified on the front, right side yellow/white factory sticker. The batteries and propane certainly don't weigh 700 lbs., so not sure why the discrepancy. Like a lot of things in the RV industry, there's just no rhyme or reason, no standard.
Notice a lot of folks use the right, front empty weight sticker (or worse a brochure) as a baseline for their loaded weight guess-timates---not a good idea. Take the time to go to a CAT scale to weigh your rig empty and loaded. Weigh again if you change your load/gear significantly.
FWIW, I was looking at a 2006 WW bumper pull a few years ago. The white sticker in one of the cabinets said the UVW was 4180 lbs. We took it to a CAT scale. Empty weight (no water, no gear) was 5,400 lbs.