Forum Discussion

kfrost72's avatar
Oct 12, 2015

ToyHaulers WITHOUT Walled Off Garage

My husband and I are looking at upgrading from our TT to a 5th Wheel Toyhauler (newer badass truck means newer badass trailer right?).

So it's just the two of us, and our dogs. We don't have a lot of toys, YET. So we're looking for a modest/smaller sized toy hauler. We looked at a few and a lot of the haulers at the smaller end of size still have a wall along the back third of the trailer that separates the "garage" from the rest of the trailer and, for our use, unnecessarily makes the space less useable.

Anyone know of good manufacturers who don't have that wall? So far only found Forest River.

Anyone know how much structural integrity that wall adds? Is it possible to customize a trailer and take it out?
  • tchil wrote:
    Originally the majority of toy haulers did not have walls. Especially in the western states Cali and Az that is a pretty popular design because they are hauling SxS's and sand cars. More recently people started to prefer the wall because of concerns over gas smell and dirt in the living area. Some brands to look at are Genisis, and Rage'n if you looking new and used there are a lot of Rage'n, weekend warrior and several other brands. In many cases models can be ordered with or without the wall. I can tell you after having non garage (Wall less) toyhaulers for the last 12 years or so that is def the design I prefer. We have 4 quads to haul and it is nice to have the space when it is raining or cold outside.

    Yep, no other way to get four full size quads in a 30-32ft TH. Most of the smaller ones that have walls ended up with 10ft of garage.
  • I don't have an answer but, I do have a question. Why is the wall a problem?

    If the wall is structural, you could just install a larger door and/or remove the door from the hinges.

    If you put power toys in the garage, it will like parking your motorcycle in the living room. (I know, some people do it), just curious. I think the garage wall would be beneficial.

    Never mind, tchil answered my question. :)
  • Originally the majority of toy haulers did not have walls. Especially in the western states Cali and Az that is a pretty popular design because they are hauling SxS's and sand cars. More recently people started to prefer the wall because of concerns over gas smell and dirt in the living area. Some brands to look at are Genisis, and Rage'n if you looking new and used there are a lot of Rage'n, weekend warrior and several other brands. In many cases models can be ordered with or without the wall. I can tell you after having non garage (Wall less) toyhaulers for the last 12 years or so that is def the design I prefer. We have 4 quads to haul and it is nice to have the space when it is raining or cold outside.
  • My impression is that they almost all have walls, but have at least a single door in the wall. So you could use the space for storage/dogs etc.

    A friend of mine recently bought a Lance toyhauler that he really likes. It's a TT rather than a 5th wheel, but Lance makes a good trailer.