Ron3rd wrote:
Are you saying the sensor could loose communication with the receiver but still show up on the screen and still be reporting PSI and Temps?
You got it in one. :) It can take an hour before the readings drop off the screen, and you get an alert.
It happened to me after leaving a campground. I usually don't check the readings, rather I rely on the alerts. But I had Peggy watch the monitor run through the tires. Strangely 5 out of 6 tires had basically the same readings, with one that was substantially lower in pressure and temperature, and reading the same as when we left the campground. Just as I started to pull over to investigate the alarm sounded. It had been an hour since we had left the campground, and the monitor just then alerted that a sensor has been lost. As soon as we pulled over the sensor reconnected and showed the same readings as the other 5 tires. So it's a definite issue and has happened to other people too.
FWIW I believe that the TST system now comes standard with a repeater. When I bought mine the repeater was an extra cost option.