avvidclif1 wrote:
gitane59 wrote:
kedanie wrote:
Sadly, you most likely will need some warranty service. Perhaps not immediately, but within 1.5-2 years.
Purchasing a particular brand because they will repair the damage done by their product makes absolutely zero sense. That is why I refuse to run Goodyears. Why not buy tires that have very little chance failure outside of damage due to road debris and then you don't have to worry about being stranded by the side of the road. I guess while your stranded by the side of the road you can be thanking Goodyear that they will repair all the damage to the side and underbelly of your rv.There are tires out there that will fit and give you 5-6 years of trouble free service. If your spacing is too tight, look at the LT245-75-16. What capacity are your Axles? If they are 6,000# or less, a good LT tire will work wonderfully.
TO the OP:
Get your fire suit on. You jumped from the frying pan into the fire with those Carlisle's.
While I will listen to first hand accounts of problems with Carlisle tire any info from "the second cousin of my ex wife's third boyfriend" has little credibility. As I said I can find no brand that doesn't have detractors. These were cheap enough and although they plainly state "Made in china" so are all the rest. And Carlisle will not repair any damage, AFAIK Goodyear is the only one.
Can lead a horse to water (or "avvidclif1" to tire info) but ya can't make him drink (believe)!
Unfortunately *you* will likely eventually join the "lack of credibility" group!
But - since you brought it up.....
It's not -*Made in China*-- that's the problem..:S
It's *ST* tires !!Made in the USA Goodyear ST Marathons had lots and lots of
problems long before mfg was shipped to China.
Many long running threads on the Air Stream Forums (they don't close 'em) on GY ST Marathons.
But maybe somebody just has lots (years of) of "shirt-tail kinfolk"..;)
Can't find any brand that has detractors?.:@
Try finding negatives on LT Michelin XPS Ribs..:S
Please post the links when you do.
BTW - Even Michelin has tire mfg facilities in China.
As far as size -vs- space between the tires - easy & common solution
is to maintain the same diameter (see comparison sites on the web) and
go to a wider tire.
If "cheap" STs work out for you - that's absolutely
spectacular !! .:C .......
And "Fast Eagle" will be
a *Proud* Bird!.:C
("First-hand" admission to 22 STs -forums here- on his trailer!)