Forum Discussion

gmg's avatar
Nov 05, 2019

Trailer leaning

Noticed today that the trailer was leaning some to the right toward the right side of the road. There is also about an inch more clearance between the bottom of the nose section and the truck bed rail on left side. The rig tows straight and has no pull to either side. It just leans to the right some. I looked under it for a broken spring or shackle but all appears fine. Has anyone heard of adding a spacer to raise it up some? What could be the likely cause of this? Has anyone else experienced this situation and what did you do to resolve it and what did it cost?
  • gmg wrote:
    Noticed today that the trailer was leaning some to the right toward the right side of the road. There is also about an inch more clearance between the bottom of the nose section and the truck bed rail on left side. The rig tows straight and has no pull to either side. It just leans to the right some. I looked under it for a broken spring or shackle but all appears fine. Has anyone heard of adding a spacer to raise it up some? What could be the likely cause of this? Has anyone else experienced this situation and what did you do to resolve it and what did it cost?

    I'd say weakened spring or even a broken spring that you can't see. Could also be wear in the hangers, bolts and spring eyes. I'd first weigh the FW side to side, to be sure that it's simply not uneven weight.

  • Is the front leaning the same amount as the rear? Does it actually lean when measured, or does it just look like it's leaning?

    Could be flattening springs, worn shackles/bolts, frame fracture, hitch mount fracture, very hard to say.