camp-n-family wrote:
There are usually 2 yellow stickers these days, one should show the uvw as it left the factory. If you can't find it, use the tire loading sticker. Subtract the cargo rating from the gvwr and you have its empty weight. It can be significantly different from the brochure weight.
The second yellow sticker was not on the trailer. I did use the tire loading sticker. Cargo Capacity not to exceed 3002 lbs. GVWR is 11,900 lbs. A little math and 8,900 lbs comes up. Not close to the 7400 lbs UVW of the brochure. 1500 lbs seems like a lot to fudge with. And if the dealer will not weigh the trailer to verify weight, they pretty much lost a sale. Same dealer also is having an issue with the new Rage'n brand made by Pacific Coach Works. Seems PCW has had a good name in the industry. The issue pertains to fraudulent weights. How would the dealer know of these weight issues if they never weigh trailers themselves? Seems fishy, and I don't fish.