Goodyear does not state a specific replacement age for RV tires because there are many conditions that dictate a tire's life span. Some factors that influence how long a tire will last are:
Usage per year - more frequent usage will result in longer life
Vehicle storage practices (6 months loaded with little or no rotation is not good!)
Usage in warmer climates can also impact a tire's overall life due to greater extreme ozone exposure
Sidewall Weathering
Weather cracking is a naturally occurring condition that results from exposure to heat and sunlight. Goodyear's warranty for weather cracking is four years from purchase date (or four years from manufacture date if proof of purchase is not available).
Weather cracking is common in RV tires from all manufacturers.
Appears as crazing and or cracking in the flex area of the sidewall
Probable causes of sidewall weathering
— Long periods of inactivity or storage
— Direct exposure to air and sunlight
— Exposure to high levels of ozone (smog, electrical generators)
— Excessive washing or dressing using alcohol or petroleum based cleaners
When should the tire be replaced?
Cracks > 2/32" deep
Internal components of tire (steel or fabric body plies) are visible
Without evidence of weather cracking, use the following as a gauge:
Usage per year --More frequent usage will result in longer life
Vehicle storage practices (6 months loaded with little or no rotation is not good!)
Casing quality --Absence of repairs, liner wrinkles, weather cracking, sidewall scuffs or cuts.
The above "cut and paste" is from Goodyear's RV tire webpage. FWIW.