Vulcaneer wrote:
Michelle.S wrote:
I doubt Goodyear would pay for damage caused by a 6 year old tire. One or two, yes, but six, most likely "No Way". But then again, what do I know.
You really think all the tires will burst at the exact same time? Or that the owner would change one tire and run the others? And when the second one blows, change that one and leave the others? Etc., Etc., Etc, and Etc?
Oh... I guess you might be right. "What do you know?"
People like this is what has caused me to rarely visit this site anymore. Which is a shame because there's a wealth of good people with some good advice available.
But this is just a smart you know what answer with no use what so ever. I think she made a good legitimate post that is perfectly sensible. Then comes the know it all resident troll to try and belittle someone.
Very sad.