dakisgirls wrote:
Hi there! I am new to these forums and would love some advice on a situation we are having. My boyfriend and I are using our in-laws property to house our fifth wheel while we renovate. It is a 1994 fifth wheel, 34 feet. For the past 3 months, we have had our rig plugged into a normal 120v house circuit using an appropriate extension cord. Our rig is 30 amps. We weren't informed at first (but thats beside the point), but my in-laws are claiming that having our rig plugged in "quadruples" their electric bill. The fridge is broken, we are never running any lights when not inside, and only have 2 small dehumidifiers running inside, and even then those shut off automatically when full. No appliances like microwave or anything else have been used. A space heater was for maybe 10 hours total over the 3 months, but I still don't see how this could account for this much extra power. So I guess my question is- does this seem possible to you all? and if its absolutely wrong how do I gain proof my rig isnt causing this raise in price (mind you, this is the 1st winter they have lived in the house..... they have baseboard heat and the wintertime and cold months coincide perfectly with when we moved the fifth wheel over there..... lol.)? My mother in-law was saying how she heard that when you plug into a normal house outlet you use 3x as much power or something. Im sorry for my lack of terminology, I have literally no frame of reference for this lol. Thanks for reading!!!
Why not put the rv on your property during renovation. I bet its more than the electric bill. Moms don't like thier kids not being married , maybe the real problem. Just saying.