Forum Discussion

Parrothead_Mike's avatar
Aug 31, 2015

Under Bed Storage With Slider

Today I was cleaning the bedroom in our 2015 Cedar Creek Silverback. We had been camping recently and couldn't find a collapsible cooler. I was checking the under bed storage and noticed the that the thin board (no more than 1/4") under the bed had shifted awkwardly as a result of the cooler caught under the board. This board covers the slide hardware, but I wasn't impressed with the construction or materials they used in this space.

My son & I took the board out, removed all the staples and the 1"x1" pieces of wood the board was stapled into. Now I'm not sure whether to put the board back (with better support) because I think the whole thing really isn't made for storing anything even semi-heavy. We had toilet paper, a blanket, soft cooler, and some miscellaneous small stuff under the bed. Plus the board has to slide back & forth when using the sliders. There just doesn't seem to be anything sufficient to attach the board & the 1-by's into. In fact, I'm not sure how the manufacturer even did it.

Has anyone run into this issue in their bedroom slider? Due to the slider hardware, is there a better idea for storing items under the bed? Has anyone reconstructed the area under the bed to accommodate storage items?

Right now I've just got some packages of toilet paper and a box with the vacuum cleaner attachments under the bed, but I'd prefer to store more items than that.
  • zb39 wrote:
    Old-Biscuit wrote:
    Our queen bed slide out has storage underneath.
    YES the bottom board is just thin paneling........but for 7 yrs FT that storage was packed. Stage Coach DBL Shotgun, Mauser Rifle, Carbine, 3 pistols, gun cleaning range kit, 2 ammo cans, blankets and several various bags stuffed with I have no idea.

    Point is.......queen mattress was heavy (Tempur-Pedic), the bed frame was heavy and all the stuff inside was heavy and it was never an issue.

    I carry a stage coach double myself.

    Why only give yourself 2 shots...unless you're a Cowboy Shooter. ;-) Personally, an 870 with extended mag tube works for me.

  • We're fulltime and under the bed belongs to DW. She will ask me to lift the mattress if I'm around. I would not want to touch anything there I would never get it back to useable it's packed to the top.
  • Thanks for the replies that pertained to the subject. I took the board of sheeting out along with the 1x1's, pulled all the flimsy staples, used wood glue and screws to reattach to the sheet with a 2x2 in the back. I reinstalled the sheeting, although I had to remove one of hydraulic supports to get everything in. The area is now much more stable and secure.

    My pet peeve is that spending a large sum of money to purchase a highly rated RV doesn't guarantee that certain aspects of the unit will be well put together. The use of flimsy staples rather than glue and screws is prevalent throughout the unit.

    My old 2001 Cardinal was well made. I've done more work shoring up things in my Silverback in the past 6 months since I purchased it than I ever did owning my Cardinal for 12 years. I still like my Silverback and certainly hope that the major components remain solid, but all buyers need to remain watchful of the small details.
  • Mine apparently is a lot better.. 2013 Keystone Alpine.

    the storage space is over 8 inches deep and covers 2/3 of a king bed area...

    the storage floor is 3/8 plywood.

    unfortunately the slide mechanism bracket to the hyrdaulic ram broke (spot welds) the day AFTER we got home from 14 days on the road.
    so I had to remove the bed platform top to get to the bracket.
  • Old-Biscuit wrote:
    Our queen bed slide out has storage underneath.
    YES the bottom board is just thin paneling........but for 7 yrs FT that storage was packed. Stage Coach DBL Shotgun, Mauser Rifle, Carbine, 3 pistols, gun cleaning range kit, 2 ammo cans, blankets and several various bags stuffed with I have no idea.

    Point is.......queen mattress was heavy (Tempur-Pedic), the bed frame was heavy and all the stuff inside was heavy and it was never an issue.

    I carry a stage coach double myself.
  • Ours is used for toilet paper, blankets and kleenex. I had to put better screws into the support for the bed that ties into the end of the bed because it kept sliding towards the outer wall.
  • The storage under our slide out bed is so shallow, the only think I can get under there are two folding chair side tables, that fold to about 2 inches thick. There is a 2x4 hanging under the fold up bed platform, that hangs down into the already shallow space, making it almost useless.
  • rhagfo's avatar
    Explorer III
    Has more to do with keeping weigh down. That 1/4 can be stiffen with a couple prices of 1x1 or 1x2 glued and screwed to the back side.
  • Our queen bed slide out has storage underneath.
    YES the bottom board is just thin paneling........but for 7 yrs FT that storage was packed. Stage Coach DBL Shotgun, Mauser Rifle, Carbine, 3 pistols, gun cleaning range kit, 2 ammo cans, blankets and several various bags stuffed with I have no idea.

    Point is.......queen mattress was heavy (Tempur-Pedic), the bed frame was heavy and all the stuff inside was heavy and it was never an issue.