Jim-Linda wrote:
Besides, most undersides are enclosed, therefore, you would not be able to see the frame area.
That's my point, Jim. If you're looking at a new rig, wouldn't you like to know where the tanks are in relationship to the axles? Wouldn't you like to now where the plumbing was likely to be found so you can more easily trace leaks or other issues? Wouldn't you like to know if that 28 gallon black tank that's listed on the specs might be able to be replaced with something larger? (This is the one issue that I have with some of the "lite" rigs.) Look at the Keystone Cougar High Country models. Really? A near-36' bunkhouse model with only 28 gallons black holding tank? See how long that would last with 2-3 kids along, especially girls. If there's room, wouldn't =you= at least consider replacing that tank?