therink wrote:
ok, so I hit the scales (loaded and about to go camping):
Truck and trailer (GCW) - 20,120
Trailer rear axle - 5,060
Trailer front axle - 4,740
Pin weight - 2,480
Trailer weight (GCW)- 12,280
Trailer GVWR - 12,400
Truck weighed (GCW - unhitched) - 7,840
Truck weighed (GCW - hitched) - 10,320
Truck GVWR - 10,800
So I am within the trailer axle rating specs of 5,200 ea (barely). I am also well within the truck GVWR. I only have 120 lbs left on trailer payload. Time to go camping.
Is your trailer sitting pin high? I would try and level it out a bit if possible. 320lbs difference between the front and rear axle seems like alot.