minnow wrote:
Hey Dutchmen Sport, after looking at your pictures I had to wonder if there was actually any room left in your Springdale for people ? ...
When our Outback came home with us, we put back in the camper only the items we knew we would use again. I had a bunch of Coleman cook stove equipment. But since the Outback came with an outside stove, we felt we did not need all this any more. We gave it away.
What went back into the new camper was minimal to what we took out of the old one. A year and 3 months later (this last Christmas), we went to Florida. Our adult son wanted to come with us, so we had to make room for his "junk" too. We ended up cleaning out 3 entire cabinets and consolidating a few items to give him room for his stuff for the week. When we returned home, he took his stuff back out. Currently we have 3 completely empty cabinets. And funny thing is ... the junk we took out ... probably will never be missed! This .... only after 1 year of owning the new camper!