sidney wrote:
NC Hauler wrote:
Also replaced 3 of the slide toppers, ( stretched and worn)... Didn't need to replace the one over the long kitchen slideout. Once slide is out, you can pull more out to give you awning cover over the kitchen window...believe this might be reason it has lasted as long as it has.
We want to add slide toppers to our rig. Can you provide additional info on the slide topper that extends to a larger awning. I've seen these on some MH's but don't know who makes them.
I have a long slide that the kitchen table and refrigerator are in...the slide has a topper, once fully extended, you can reach up to the top of the slide out and grab a loop that hangs down about 4". when you grab it with the awning pull down rod, it pulls out another 2 feet or more and has supports on both sides that come down to lock into place to work as the awning. There are hold down straps on each side of the awning, and those hook into hold down hooks on the side of the 5er, (it came with this)...So you have a slide topper and an awing over the big window in the kitchen..pretty nice touch. It has held up well to be almost 8 years old and didn't need replaced...I believe because the topper is so taunt when awning part of it is used...if raining, the rain easily runs off the topper and doesn't pool up.
Hope this help explain it..Our's is made by Carefree of Colorado...probably look it up on that site...don't know if I explained it well enough to understand how it works.