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NC_Hauler's avatar
Mar 26, 2014

Upgraded suspension on 5er.

5er is almost 8 years old...GVW 16,950# (39' 9" in length), 7,000# rated Dexter axles. I had replaced one sagging spring several years back, (yeah, just one at the time, discovering it very well may have been the reason I had a tire lose it's tread while towing one day,, height from wheel well to tire was scary low)..

Figuring we'll keep this 5er for a while, I had some suspension work done that I believe in the long run will help maintain this units integrity and eliminate any more suspension issues that could have shown up in next several years.

I had the 3500# rated spring packs replaced with 4,000# spring packs, (no, I don't expect to add any more weight to the unit, last time weighed, was 15,940#)...just wanted a more robust spring pack and I also picked up another 1" of height on 5er , which helped with height between truck bed and 5er (a tad over 6" now). Replaced generic equalizer centers with the Equa-flex equalizer set up..all new U-bolts and Never fail bushings, Also replaced the OEM shocks (2 were bad, 1 was weak) with Monroe Severe shocks.

Also replaced 3 of the slide toppers, ( stretched and worn)... Didn't need to replace the one over the long kitchen slideout. Once slide is out, you can pull more out to give you awning cover over the kitchen window...believe this might be reason it has lasted as long as it has.

Anyway...I've towed with it a couple of times since adding these "upgrades" and can tell a difference in the way it tows now , more stable, and doesn't have all the "squeaks and creaks" that it had before that you could hear when towing slowly or backing into or pulling into a camping spot. Seems more solid on the inside once set up...don't know if that has to do with the new springs as well as the more robust shocks, but over all I'm really glad I had the work done and believe it will help keep unit on the road a little longer. Outside of 5er looks almost as good as it did the day I bought it and inside is in even better shape.

Wanted to share about suspension upgrades and was able to tell a difference in how much better it is now and gives one a little more "peace of mind" when towing down the highway's".....
  • NC Hauler wrote:

    Also replaced 3 of the slide toppers, ( stretched and worn)... Didn't need to replace the one over the long kitchen slideout. Once slide is out, you can pull more out to give you awning cover over the kitchen window...believe this might be reason it has lasted as long as it has.

    We want to add slide toppers to our rig. Can you provide additional info on the slide topper that extends to a larger awning. I've seen these on some MH's but don't know who makes them.
  • Did the same routine last year. Also Dexter 7000# axcels. Already had the equaflex & wetbolts. Upgraded springs from a 6 stack to a 7 & new shocks all round. Estimated 70,000 miles on it so figured it was time.

    Brakes are on the hit list this spring. Always something. Better to do the preventative maintenance than get stranded roadside.
  • MFL wrote:
    It sounds like you pretty much have a whole new suspension, under a well taken care of trailer! That makes more sense than just buying a whole new rig.

    My former FW had a lot of sqeaks and creaks when going slow through the campgounds. I replaced shackles and bushings on it, nothing near your complete overhaul.

    My current FW came with the Equa-flex system on it. Seems like a good setup, a bit of a rubber ride. I don't have many miles on yet,so still quiet. I purchased it new 8/15/12.

    Hope your first outing went well, and you didn't get caught in that snow/ice storm, that should have been East of you.

    Congrats on the upgrades, that should take you into retirement travels!!


    Thanks Jerry,
    Yeah, we've dodged bad weather so far this year, but we did get hit last night here in the mountains of Western NC....temp got down to 20, and have about an inch of snow on the ground...yesterday evening and this morning were bad due to so much ice on the road.

    Retirement was part of the plan:)....Hoping/Planning, at age 66,( july of 2016), that's what I'll be doing:)
  • It sounds like you pretty much have a whole new suspension, under a well taken care of trailer! That makes more sense than just buying a whole new rig.

    My former FW had a lot of sqeaks and creaks when going slow through the campgounds. I replaced shackles and bushings on it, nothing near your complete overhaul.

    My current FW came with the Equa-flex system on it. Seems like a good setup, a bit of a rubber ride. I don't have many miles on yet,so still quiet. I purchased it new 8/15/12.

    Hope your first outing went well, and you didn't get caught in that snow/ice storm, that should have been East of you.

    Congrats on the upgrades, that should take you into retirement travels!!

  • Good call on the suspension. I did the same two years ago.My trailer has a 14000gvw and
    it had 3000 lb springs that were sagging and went to 3300 lb with 6 leafs instead of 4 leafs. I also added the equa - flex and the wet bolt kit. All the creeks and moans went away. I had shocks on it but took them off due to 3 failing and tried it without them and did not feel a difference in ride quality and nothing moves inside so I am leaving them off for now.
  • garyp4951 wrote:
    I have replaced leaf springs on several vehicles, and new ones make a big difference. Are you refering to the 5er shocks, or tv. I have not seen shocks on trailers, but have heard they help out with heavy units.

    Everything replaced was on the 5er....4 spring packs, 4 shock absorbers, etc.....Thus the reason i was wondering, even set up, while camping....the unit seems more solid than before. 4 4000# rated spring packs instead of OEM of 3500#, 4 much more robust Monroe Severe shock's versus OEM shocks that came on the 5er.
  • I have replaced leaf springs on several vehicles, and new ones make a big difference. Are you refering to the 5er shocks, or tv. I have not seen shocks on trailers, but have heard they help out with heavy units.