Sorry to say NW did install the right way. Please don't take this the wrong way. Been talked about on AF forum a bunch. NW says they follow the water pumps(sure-flow)install directions and they say they will keep using the flexible stuff. (which I think is bull). I only made it 1,000 miles when ours popped off. (But I don't use the city water connection anyways, so I didn't have and endless supply of water coming in or a steady drip over time). I tried to get the flair-it connection to work but can't get fitting over "flexible" braded line. Next I tried "shark bite" fittings. One of the lines I couldn't get a drip to stop. My next step which I haven't done yet is to go to stainless steel branded line. Also their screw clamps aren't too good either. I bought better screw clamps and used lock tight until I get a fixed like I want. So in mean time I make sure screws clamps are tight. I use a water regulator that is 35 psi. And I tested the 35psi with psi with an air compressor to make sure it worked like it was supposed to.
Sorry it happened...if you find good fix please post.
Sure-flow install quote on about all of their pumps about "flexible" hose Use 50-mesh strainer minimum at the inlet side of the pump. Use flexible hose on inlet