Forum Discussion

klink1's avatar
Jan 31, 2014

Water in when I want it out

A few days ago I asked for cheep ideas to fix leaks in the roof of a 5th. wheel but I gave no info. about the 5th so here it is. Now I need advise.
King of the Road, 1997 with slide out couch area, roof has been patched with just about everything. Its under cover now but I need ideas for this spring. I am 67 so the work must be easy or I will have to hire it done. I was thinking about tarring it like they do on houses with flat roofs. I can't see spending $2 or $3k on that old of 5th. infract I don't even know what it is worth, I checked with some places and they were way to high, they say its worth what I paid for it ten years ago. We have kept real good care of it and I think it's worth around $2 or $3k if I could sell it at all.
Cheep ideas needed
  • Feel your pain. I'm wondering what to do with a 1990 King of the Road that has a rotted out floor. Rest of it is excellent but the floor is in bad shape due to water leak caused by plumbing leak at a water fitting. It has better carpentry than new ones and would take a fortune to replace. Subscribed to see answers.
  • Might try Liquid Roof.....around 60 bucks a gallon. I did that on an older 5ver. Used about 4 gallons and never leaked again and looked brand new.
  • dicor self leveling sealant around all seams and skylights/vents and eternabond on front and rear seams as a double measure against leaks
  • I have used dicor and it seems to work. Just clean area and apply the dicor.
  • You can cover the roof with rubber pond liner. The product they use for water gardens in landscaping.