there is learning curve after backing a TT.
I have learned after 4 years of doing ti to talk to mayself..
I say slow and easy and keep repeting it over and over.. the reason is the 5er reacts quicker and and little movement makes for large tail movement on the 5er.
So slow and easy gets it right. all the other hints helped from most anyone but for me personally. just doing ti "slow and easy" works everytime.
Someone said back from drivers side, which is prefered but to get into my driveway at home I back from the passenger(blind) side and I am backing into a RVPort too. SLOW and easy gets me there each time. I did Sunday with only one major correction and it rolled right where I wanted it.
Take care and remember You are NOT unteachable..
IF that was me, He might have heard me being unthinkable....