Major Dad,
People take risks posting any questions on a public forum such as this. Questions such as which tow vehicle for a certain trailer, which trailer for a certain TV, which toilet paper, which propane grill, which RV dealership, which ____________ bring out the propensity of some to declare that their opinions are correct and all others are worthless. Be careful of all posts which recommend you jettison all your equipment and purchase what they have. You might pay attention to those posts made by folks who have successfully used the combination of equipment about which you are asking. Some here are adamant that one needs a Caterpillar D9 to pull a grocery cart... because that's what they use. Some here believe one can pull a Redwood with a Chevy Blazer.
I commend you for ignoring answers to questions you didn't ask (like which TV you could buy to replace your current TV) and for processing all this information with logic. Proceed.
Major Dad,
There are always folks on these forums that will try to tell you what you can
get by with. Really? Who wants to just get by? Get the truck and fifth wheel combination that will allow you to have a stress free towing experience. If you don't care about gross weight considerations the megacab is essentially the same in tires, wheels and axles as the crew cab but for some reason they were rated lower by Dodge in their first years. The later model megacabs have payload numbers more in line with the same truck as the crew cab.
You asked some good questions, you got some good answers. The best way to determine where you are in the weight category is to go to the scales with the truck loaded for camping/towing and then weigh the pin on the fifth and see where you stand. Obviously because you brought your issue to the forum, you expected many responses. And you got them.
If gross weight is important to you, I would not tow the fifth; if tire, axle and wheel numbers are more important to you then you likely will be OK. Just because somebody else tows over gross and has never had a problem does not provide a lot of comfort. 'Comfort' in your case where you are likely marginal on the numbers is spelled
more truck!