edstep wrote:
I had seen your query on Briway, they have been around for some time. The price of the tire from Blacks was actually $ 8 more than Maxxis a tire. I realize price doesn't mean quaility. Just wondering why Blacks would sell them if they were not a reasonable tire.
There are quite a few ST tire manufactures improving their quality. It will take a long time until the improvement is realized. The trailer setup and the manufacture specifications still have a large influence on the tire performance. Fifth Wheel trailers still have more problems with tires due several obvious facts. Fifth Wheels can weigh more. Fifth Wheels are more difficult and costly to set up to tow level. The 100% capacity specification the RV industry uses is amplified at higher weight loads. The RV industry could do them a big favor by starting a committee at the USCAR council to standardize hitch height ranges and top of bed clearance.