Forum Discussion

FireGuard's avatar
Explorer II
Apr 06, 2016

What Razor to get, 2 or 4 seater?

I just started my search for a Razor. I think I would prefer the 1000 4 seater. I really don't "Need" 4 seats as it's just me and maybe a passenger, but for a couple thousand $$ it may be nice for the times there may be extra people or even more room to carry extra gear.
I think the extra HP and better suspension of the 1000 may be worth it, but the 900 also gets good reviews and would probably work.
I'm not one who needs to be the fastest or coolest, but want good performance and reliability. I'll use it for desert and mountains, like Cal City or Mammoth and am more into trail riding vs sand dunes.
What do you have and why did you choose it?
Would you buy it again or get something different?
PS. Don't need the Turbo.
  • Kind of depends on how tight of trails you ride. When I had my 4 seat UTV it was not near as maneuverable as the two seat the other guy was driving. If tight trails isn't a issue I would get he one you like best.
  • I guess it all depends on if you have room in your trailer for the 4 seater. With the added weight of the 4 seater (especially with more passengers) I would definitely recommend the 1K over the 900. The longer wheelbase actually give a better ride IMO over the 2-seater but you sacrifice some weight and maneuverability.

    Are you set on the RZR or have you checked out the Can-Am Maverick as well.