Didn't see you mentioning leaving the black tank valve open but, since you are new, I'll mention...DO NOT leave the black tank valve open!! EVER! You will, if you haven't already, experience the "Pyramid of Poop". You may want to look down the toilet with the valve open to be sure the previous owner hasn't left you a 'present'! RVs are NOT like your house with a nice 1/4" in 12" sewer line slope that insures solid waste is carried away with the liquid. Sewer waste is just dropping into a relatively flat tank. RVs expect a closed black valve that only gets opened when the tank is close to being filled so when draining, the rush of liquids carries the solids out with it. With the black valve left open, the liquids immediately drain away leaving a mass of solid waste directly beneath the toilet opening until it reaches the toilet itself. You will never have a nastier job to deal with. There are hose extensions with right angle bends at the end to help break up the waste but still no walk in the park. The bad reading on the gauge is caused by waste stuck to the sensor. Best way to remedy that is dump some dishwashing soap down the toilet and take a drive with a nearly full black tank to slosh it around with the hope of dislodging the waste on the sensor, then dumping. AGAIN, DO NOT leave your black valve open! Keeping the grey valve closed is also a good idea so that once you dump the black tank, you have some less nasty fluid to flush the sewer hose out with.