First of all thanks to all your replies I appreciate the input. To answer one question "how did I pack the back bearing without removing the seals". Answer: I gooped a bunch on my fingers and spread it into the bearing, now since I replaced the seals I took the bearings out inspected each one, one at a time and greased them very thoroughly with the palm of my hand. I know "Bearing Buddies" are good for boat trailers as I have them on my boat trailer. I believe the seals in the boat trailers are double lipped which give the seals more strength that can with stand more pressure especially when filling them up threw the zert. Yes I did over fill my bearings, when it takes 3/4 of a tube of grease per wheel you know something is going to give. So this will be a lesson for the school of hard knocks. The "Buddy Bearings" that I have installed will only get a squirt now and then. Nothing beats taking the hub off and visual inspection anyway!
Thanks again to all the input, Happy RVing, be safe and keep the rubber side down.....