To the OP, what a great query! We do NASCAR races and setup a circus, for lack of a better description. For some reason, we tend to take things you may never use, but yet when you need it, well you need it. Every 2 years or so the DW and I actually cull out what we have not used the past year, kind of like your closet in your home. Turn the hangers around in your closet and if you use it then hang it properly. What has not been turned around, get rid of it or give it away. Anyway, we cull out nearly a third of the stuff under and in the RV every 2 years or so. But for some reason and some how, we keep adding stuff so in 2 more years its either right back in there or we have NEW stuff. I swear there are magnets in these things pulling in the "stuff!" Now full timing, I can relate to taking a lot of "stuff" as you will need something, somewhere, sometime and somehow.