GMH wrote:
Glad you guys cleared that all up for the OP! :B I had no issues with the Reese 15K in my old truck other than a bit of chucking. The sliding bar was positively latched and I never feared losing the trailer. My new B&W is really nice. I'm not sure I believe the bit about it being "engineered" to separate in a rollover but I would be glad it happened rather than take me over with it. Proper installation and hookup is imperative with All hitches.
IMO , there is no way they could possibly engineer that in any hitch, nor want to, it would make no sense. Its a mechanical device, just the fact if it came apart with say, hard braking, or hard maneuver . Way to many variables. Where someone came up with that is a bit over the top. I know we have the B&W fan club here, but even the president of the fan club has not made that claim, and some good ones have been made :B Probably the best one is you can't drop a fifth wheel with a B&W :) Of course besides this engineering one.