rattleNsmoke wrote:
That's perty easy. Remove the wheel and look at the bearing dust cap. If it's the conventional type you can remove with a mallet, it's Standard. If the cap has a grease fitting, it's an EZ-Lube and if the cap doesn't look removable and is VERY large it's a Nev-R- Lube. I had the last type on The Beast and swapped the axles out for EZ-Lubes. I like being able to inspect and re-pack them annually. Take the time to do the axle maintenance (If you can). It's a very good habit. Good luck!
The above is very accurate except with EZ Lube you do not need to remove the wheel as stated. The hub cap, maybe, but not the wheel.
On our EZ Lube axles there is a black rubber cap center on the wheel. If you take that off the will be a grease fitting. No need to remove the wheel.