Cummins12V98 wrote:
Me Again wrote:
Cummins12V98 wrote:
Before wasting any money on what you have now bite the bullet and have Kodiak Disk brakes installed with greaseable bearings.
You WILL thank me!!!
And think about a tire upgrade to LRG(if not already installed) or LRH 17.5"! Chris
That too!
Wanted to get him hooked on the brakes before spending any more of his money.;)
Ok, you've got me going on the disk brakes. I had thought of that before, but didn't know how or where to go. Watched a few videos, so I think up a little more up to speed. But you're going to have to explain what LRG or LRH 17.5" are. As far as tires, I'm planning on upgrading to Sailun S637 size 235/85R/16.