Forum Discussion

markc's avatar
Mar 18, 2018

Wildcat 327RE

Just bought a new Wildcat 327RE (5thwheel) and wondering if anyone has one or one similar. If so does anything work (excluding TV, microwave, etc.) when your camper is unplugged, mine does not (not even a light). I have a battery on the camper and it is connected.
Thanks for any replies.
  • Thanks for the responses!!! Problem solved!!! There was a small chrome switch that you pull out or push in that was the disconnect switch for the batteries. I was looking for something much larger like you would normally see as a disconnect switch.

    Thanks guys you got me looking again!!!
  • Look in a cabinet or near where the 12v fuse box is for a battery disconnect switch. Sounds like yours is off. Those are used to keep the batteries from running down when the trailer is stored.
  • Everything 12v should work.
    If the battery is charged then it's not connected. Is there a disconnect switch?
    Reverse polarity fuses blown?