Forum Discussion

Grady23's avatar
Nov 05, 2014

Winterizing --- Antifreeze or blow'em out??

I have a 2010 Cougar 318 and in the past have always used the R/V Antifreeze in the unit. I have a compressor which can be dialed back for a reduced pressure. Do I run the risk of leaving small pockets of water in the lines or does this method do the job? I plan do drain everything before I use the air.
  • Well this year I just blew out lines and added juice to traps/tanks. For some reason my water pump isn't working and had to get it in the new seasonal spot before they closed this year. Past years I blew lines and put juice in. In about 2 years I won't have to worry about it. Will be full-time :B
  • A couple years ago I started just blowing out the lines and adding pink to the traps.

    I've had no problems with our south central Pennsylvania winters freezing and damaging anything.
  • If you decide to blow, be sure to dump some antifreeze down the sink and tub to protect the traps from any standing water.
  • I blew out the lines once and had to replace some water lines since all the water never came out. so now I blow the water out and add AF. never had any frozen lines since. some guys refuse to blow out the lines since many compressors have rust and water in the air tank and they don't want to get that stuff in the fresh water lines. they just add AF until it comes out the faucets and the toilet.
  • Location, location, location

    Long cold winters.....drain, blow, pump anti-freeze

    Mild winters.........drain, blow

    Easy winters.........drain
  • I drain, flush with pink, then drain again. It makes it much easier to flush and use the water and reuse the antifreeze that I caught from the second drain. That way id we get a warm weekend it is much easier to go and redo.
  • I've done both. On rigs that didn't have bypass-valves and low-point drains I blew it out.
    On rigs with bypass-valves and low-point drains I use the pink stuff.

    I could see doing both, but then blowing out the pink-stuff just seems silly to me.
  • We don't live in a particularly cold climate. I drain the tanks and hot water heater, flush with anti freeze and call it a day. No problems so far, any water left in the system has plenty of room to expand without causing any damage.
  • I do both only because I have a water valve on the toilet that is really hard to get all the water out with air. And the valve is cheap plastic and a pain to replace and $40.00. So I blow it out with air and put in pink stuff. I dial down air compressor to 35-40 psi.

    But most people do one or the other IMO