joegray wrote:
I have the same problem. I have a Atwood 6gal tank that thinks it a 10gal. I just bought some clear plastic tube and some plastic fittings and bypassed the whole tank. The threads are a bit different so don't get aggressive on tightening the fittings,used some thread tape and made sure I did not let the system pressurize,just enough to get the antifreeze to flow. I have been told the mixing valve is not working properly, letting liquid flow back into the tank.
You have an XT model........6 gallons nominal but get the equivalent of 10 gallons due to the higher temp set point (160*F) and the mixing valve (combines HOT with some cold for 130*F out).
Mixing valve has check valves in both inlets which get clogged up (HOT inlet majority) ending up with just cold water