Is it possible that the water pump froze on the first cold night? We had opened the low point drains last week and let those completely empty which I would think would drain most of the water from the system, but still no luck with the pump. It's a work day of course, so we will have to tackle the issue this weekend. Our plan of just "run over quick and winterize the 5th wheel with the cool FreezeGuard system" didn't quite work out as planned :-(
Also, is there a separate fuse ON the pump itself? We checked the fuse for the water pump in the fuse box but it was fine. I'm wondering too, if the winterize switch is not working, so it's not switching suction to the winterize hose port.....strange though that when we flip the winterize switch to OFF the pump should try and draw water from the fresh water doesn't, so must be something with the pump. Why can't anything ever go smoothly??