Forum Discussion

WeGotLabs's avatar
Mar 11, 2014

Work and play or similar

Hello all,

I am currently a TC owner but I am looking at making the possible change to a toy hauler.

I have been looking around the majority of them are too big. I have found the Work and Play by Forest River. I do have a couple of questions for those who can help me.

What are the pros and cons to the Work and Play or something similar?

Why is it that I am having such a hard time finding used one?

Are they that good that people don't want to get rid of them or what?

Any information is greatly appreciated.

  • As far as pros and cons go, they are excellent TH's in my opinion for what I need one to do. Haul big motorcycles, or large John Deere Gator or my Jeep Wrangler which any of these they do very well. Now if you want fancy tile floors or granite counter tops and plush carpet, wrong rig. I had hoped to tell you where there was a really good used 30' with a 16' garage that I just traded in for a larger unit, but apparently they have already sold it. Good used ones are difficult to find, but they are there. Yes as otrfun states, they are a bit heavy, but they have really high payloads so it all depends on what toys you want to take and play with.
  • WeGotLabs wrote:
    Thanks for your input. Just makes we realize I am making the right decision about getting one.

    Although I am having a problem finding used ones, does anyone have any ideas on websites where I can locate some.

    FWIW, you're more likely to find used 18EC's because they're the most popular (typically $18k discounted when new). They're more likely to be found in the mid-west. Suggest searching on and

    Work & Plays are a bit on the heavy side compared to other toy haulers of similar length. IMO, the extra weight is due to better floor bracing, use of heavier plywood/fiberglass walls, and the aluminum roof construction. The aluminum roof is a plus; but, if you're looking at used ones be sure and thoroughly check the interior/exterior walls for water damaged delamination (tap around and listen for a change in pitch). Although the aluminum roof does have a good overall reputation, *if* a leak does occur it is VERY expensive to repair if the plywood siding is damaged.
  • Thanks for your input. Just makes we realize I am making the right decision about getting one.

    Although I am having a problem finding used ones, does anyone have any ideas on websites where I can locate some.

  • Hello there, we have a 2012 Work & Play Model WPT30WR. We really like ours and it is very suited for our needs. I cant really say anything negative about it other than it took a while to get use to not having a slide on it. But for us we do not spend a lot of time inside the camper other than to sleep and go to the bathroom. There are several models of the Work & Plays to choose from. There are probally nicer ones than ours out now since our is a couple of years old. Go take a look at a few of them and I believe that you might find one that suits your needs. We hauled 2 large cruiser bikes in the garage and never had a problem. Sold the bikes and now all we haul is a golf cart. Overall it has been a very dependable trust worthy toy hauler.
  • well I note the W&P has a one piece aluminum roof so it passes my first litmus test.