schlep1967 wrote:
JAXFL wrote:
schlep1967 your question is almost like this:
I am not currently ready to head out on the road. I am 47 and the wife is younger. We have/are putting much more than average back for retirement. Our stick home will be paid off within a year. Our vehicles and 5th wheel have been paid off for years..
OK now we are getting someplace. Couple of questions:
1-You are 47 and you are planning ahead to full time when you are or how many years from now?
2-Do you mean full-timing as in sell the house and live in the RV 365 days a year.
3-Is the 5th Wheel you have now going to be used then or will there be a new one that is paid for or have payments?
The reason for these is what are valid numbers today are most likely not going to be valid number in 15 years. Are you going to take the inflated percentage difference between what it cost 15 years ago and what it costs today and use that to figure the future? Fifteen years ago I could park my camper at almost any nice campground (pool, shower house, events nightly, club house) for about $15 a night average. Today that same place is going to cost me $35-45 a night or about $600 a month. At that rate when you are 62 that same campground is going to cost you $822 a month or $222 more than now? We cannot even guess what gas/fuel will cost then. Heck, I can't guess what fuel is going cost me on Monday.
So here is the question you should be asking: For those that have full-timed over the last 10-15 years what do you see as your average cost increase over that time and what do you think the cost will be in the next 15 years. How many times have you had to upgrade your equipment? If you have a budget, how many times have you gone over that because of......____________ (fill in the blank)