jorbill2or wrote:
I see this question all the time. I think what the question really is , is how much do you spend annually ? And maybe how do you travel , moving every few days or staying out for weeks / months ? A answer I've noticed few people are willing to share, maybe s bit too personal, but I think that's what they really want to know .. Real life # . There are a few web sites and blogs that do share some info and that is helpful.
You can only find this information from those that are living it. Yet it seems those that live it do not want to share it publicly. Some have and I am grateful for that. Others just seem afraid somebody will hold their feet to the fire if they tell them $30,000 and that person ends up spending more.
For those like my wife and I that are planning ahead for a decent retirement, this information can help us plan. So we have an idea of what it will cost us the first year when we want to see the country. And maybe the next year or two if we do some work camping and only move 4-6 times. It may also tell us that we can only do this for X amount of years and that is where we need to stop so we can have our exit strategy planned.