3% to SD is a lot less than 6% to FL.
We own a house in GA, but DH has FL UPS Store address for vehicle/5er and DL. We don't take the Homestead discount on GA property tax because of it.
IRS doesn't usually care, except we had to change to GA address (my DL) for the 3 yrs to get $8000 Tax Credit. But it was changed back to FL again, since it's been 3 yrs.
When you said you will keep your same job, you will be in the same position as DH. DH works for a GA GC in multiple states. His employer deducts State Income Tax for each state he works in. This year, we may have as many as 4 states to file. GA, NC, soon MN & ??. With GA, he received a credit for each of the other states, so didn't have to pay on all income from other states. But what he made in TX was taxable last year. That's why we switched back to FL, so when he's working in non-income tax states, it is basically (state) income tax free.