I would suggest something like a metal cover that would shade the top of the RV and partially down the west side (from afternoon sun, if you will be there in the summer. Allow space to store a vehicle, bikes, etc under it--maybe just make it longer. Then leave one side open higher up for your doorway, and add a nice size deck, at the level of the RV, with steps going down off the deck. Let the roof of your cover extend out on this to give some shade too.
You could put a locking shed as an extension of the cover, and use it for seasonal storage as well as your washer and dryer. If you don't heat the shed in the winter, you will have to winterize the washer and plumbing. I would recommend winterizing if you leave, in case the power goes out and there is no heat.
You could also put the washer/dryer shed up on one end of the deck, so it would be conveniently at the same level as your door.
I've given some thought to this since a friend of mine is considering a similar setup.