Oldcow wrote:
PawPaw_n_Gram wrote:
The most expensive place we stay all year is when visiting our kids/ grandkids in the Dallas area.
Not 30 per night, but usually 20 or more, while our yearly average costs are around 13 per night.
I have to ask. How do you manage and average of 13 per night? Boondocking?
Much of the time, we are in US Army COE or other federal campgrounds. Since we are both over age 62, they are half price. The most expensive in Texas if $15 per night. Oklahoma $13, Arkansas $12.
We seldom stay at FHU sites, desiring to move about once a week, so tankage isn't an issue.
This past winter, we found a FHU commercial CG on a river in central Texas for $300 a month including electricity. Stayed there two months, which was actually too long.
I don't include the nights we get for free while volunteering in my calculations.
In 2015 we traveled from west Texas to Key West to Connecticut (six months volunteering) to Dallas. We mostly stayed at US military bases when we couldn't find COE or USFS campgrounds (I did 20 years in the US Navy before I retired). Those raised our average a couple dollars. But $20 to 23 near major metro areas like Charleston SC, Williamsburg VA, Wash DC, NYC, Boston, etc is not a bad price.
The only boondocking/ dry camping we did in 2015 was 7 days at Key West Florida at the Naval Air Station CG - $13 per night.
We are guite aggressive at looking for ways to keep the costs down.