groundhogy wrote:
I am really getting sick of this.
I have to come to Maryland for family and I still have some chores to do in the area in summer.
I live aboard and dont have an income.
Who the hell can aford $30 freaking dollars a night?? Its a parking spot for $900 a month. I should just get an apartment.
Is there any other way?
I thought I had a brilliant idea and started contacting people selling land to see if they would temporarily rent me a spot and I find out they cant do it because the local governments have zoning laws that prevent land owners from doing this. Someone mentioned farms or agriculturral land might be ok, but Im not sure.
Are there any other options?
Who can afford $30 a night? People with income. Yes, the local governments have zoning laws to prevent exactly what you want to do. And farm and ag land will have the same restrictions, since you aren't a farm animal or a crop that is being raised on that agricultural land.
Since Maryland is so bad, perhaps your best option is to return to your home abroad. I am sure it is an idyllic place where everyone lives for free without any laws or restrictions.