Enjoy your new freedom! Only once in my life was I completely 100% free of ALL material items in the world. And that was after a fire burned the house I was living in and I lost everything, except my car, my motorcycle, the underwear I had on, and a blanket wrapped around me. Yea... really. No keys to the vehicles, no bill fold, no cash, no nothing. It all went up in smoke. The house I lived in was rented.
A friend let me "live" in his 18 foot Scotty travel trailer for a couple months while I closed up shop with my employer. I then returned home to my mother's house where I stayed a month, unemployed (and now had a lock smith make me new keys for my motorcycle and car), and then I whisked away to the Army for the next 6 years. What freedom! Even though I was in the military, materialistically, I owned absolutely nothing. I did get rid of the car and the motorcycle before I left for the Army.
"Stuff" can sure weigh you down. But, it's only "stuff". Think of it this way, when you die, the kids will get along just fine. They'll not have anything to fight over!
Good luck on your new adventures. We'll be following soon as my day is June 17, 2021.