One nice thing I read yesterday about the AHC is that it will actually benefit business under 25 the most. So as a self-employed RV Tech, you should have some advantages (tax and insurance exchanges) over some others. Now if you choose to work for someone else, then they will cover some of those costs.
I've found a few RV Tech businesses that move from say MN to Tampa or MN to TX and snowbird with the rest of the RV population.
Then to income, I constantly read about those who live on much less than $25,000 per year of strictly SS. Plus lower incomes also get a subsidy to pay for HC insurance.
Check over on the Escapees forum. Needs are less when you live in a small space. That's the whole point of going full-time, to rid yourself of some of the expenses. There will still be repair expenses in an RV, but you'll be able to save the labor cost by doing many things yourself.