I forgot to mention above, Escapees sponsor and hold a national RV Rally for members & guests each year (Tech-Writer its rarely held in SD-Tx-FL).
Its a week of fun & fellowship with thousands of other RV'ers. Many, but not all of whom are past present or future fulltimers.
It includes dozens of educational workshops and seminars on all sorts of RV related subjects. It includes optional side trips to local attractions. It includes a large assortment of RV related vendors set up to sell products & services on site. A separately paid, "RV'ers Bootcamp" is held at the rally for teaching new RV'ers all the basics about RV lifestyle & RV travel.
This years Escapade Rally is coming up next month, July 24th in Essex Junction Vermomt. Not very close to SD-TX-FL Tech-Writer.
https://www.escapees.com/knowledge/escapade?id=259Finally, Escapees supports an organization named CARE, that provides an RV related assisted living facility & support services for older fulltime RV'ers who have to stop traveling for medical or age related reasons and have no other place to move to. CARE is a paid service operated & funded now by its own board of directors. Escapees donated the land, buildings and funding to get it started.