dahkota wrote:
We just did this in August. We use GoodSamMail (MyRVMail) and have had exceptional service. First, we got the mailbox. Once we had the address, we changed our bank account and an investment account to their address. Then we bought auto insurance (online through Progressive). Then we got our registrations, and then our driver's licenses. The whole process took a couple of weeks as we had to wait for our bank and investment account to create a statement with our new addresses (these are used as proof of address).
With progressive, we have auto, rv, and fulltimers insurance (part of the rv insurance). They are significantly lower than our previous insurance in the state of Maryland (due to location).
Best of luck! It was a pain but it wasn't difficult. Florida makes it pretty easy.
. Ditto that. Had this service over two yrs, love the ability to check on-line and see what mail is there, the weights, and then choose any method to send to whatever address I key in.