RV Dreams Forum is very good for newbies. Lots of information for folks wanting to go fulltime.
A little more info on your situation would help.
Do you still own your home? Are you going to sell it? If so, Start downsizing now. Hold lots of garage sales. Most folks will recommend selling/giving away/donating everything and not put things into storage. Start making needed repairs to ready your house for sale.
Identify your domicile state - where are you going to pay your taxes and get your car tags? Most pick South Dakota, Florida, or Texas because of no state tax. This is something you won't execute until you actually go full time.
Mail. Handled in your domicile state. There are mail services that will collect and send your mail. Search in the forum for recommendations. Start setting up all your bills to receive in your email. (If you do not have already get an email provider not tied to your internet service, like gmail or Hotmail - they are free.) Bills that offer automatic credit card payment without an extra fee we have set up to pay via CC.
Banking - Online banking is a must. We get our bills via email and pay them through our bank account bill pay option. Also a bank with locations throughout most of the US is a good thing. We use Wells Fargo.
Health Care. Make sure your health care choice covers you in all 50 states (while you are on the road). We use AARP United Health Care for our Medigap for this reason.
Then there's that whole other matter of your RV...