Skymed has a 90 day waiting period for benefits so be careful that you are covered before you leave
FMCA ASSIST will not help your wife get the trailer home unless;
a) The member has been transported under either the “emergency medical evacuation/repatriation” or “return of mortal remains” benefits; and
b) no one in the member’s traveling party is capable of driving, or proficient and competent to drive, the member’s vehicle. The vehicle must be in good condition and capable of being safely driven on the highway in compliance with local laws.
SO if you go in a hospital with a problem and are released but cannot drive FMCA will not help you.
Worse comes to worse you put the trailer up for sale at a dealer and get your butski home in the vehicle and not worry about the trailer. You are letting worries stop you from enjoyment. I had my first heart attack at age 36 I am 66. I gotta die somewhere might as well be where I am enjoying myself. I boondock in the desert for up to 2 weeks.
If you are really concerned buy something already on a lot in a park you enjoy.
There are tons of quality RV'S for rent in the SouthWest already in nice parks for snowbirds and I am sure in Florida as well.
Pick an area rent a RV on site and explore