CGXterra wrote:
That's exactly what we're thinking with the storage unit. We have as little as 11 months to as much as 23 months left here at which time we would have the option to move back into a S&B house, or keep on living in the RV. If we decide to move back into S&B, we still have our big ticket items and some basics so we don't have to sell the camper to get back into living in a house.
Thank you all for the awesome responses. I'm getting a lot of good advice from this message board. Ed
We sold our home in 2004, and due to not really being ready, our best option at the time was to get a 10 x 20 ft storage unit which we kept for six months, then downsized to 1/2 the storage unit size and now have downsized to a 5 x 10 ft rented storage area.
And to all of us there may be 'life stuff' which takes us off the road .. for us we didn't start full-timing until we were eligible for Medicare, so our perspective is different than you "young'ns".
We have yet to slow down enuff to put all the pics on a media, and have a few clothes, tools, outdoor fun items, etc. that we only use when back in our 'home-base' area which is anywhere from 5-12 months at a whack. This year our goal is to go thru the pictures, keep a few and give the rest away to our each of our children.
And as we are now down to thinking less than 3 years before we come off the road, glad we kept some of the things in storage. We do not look at the cost ($45/mo), and know that is reverse thinking, but to us it is worth not going out to eat a couple of times a month in order to keep the storage unit. And each year we pare down the 'stuff' more and more, so by the time we come off the road we can go into an apartment complex.
Just has to be a strictly personal choice as to whether to keep a storage unit and where .. we thought in 2010 that we would be coming off the road, but instead in 2013 are considering coming off the road in 2 or 3 years .. so that is why it has to be a strictly personal choice.
In fact we went to one '55+ apartment complex open house' and they asked if rv storage option was something they should consider adding to the complex, and we said "YES, definitely!" .. so yes, we have been looking around.
Sorry for this post being so long, but I am definitely not a woman "just a few words". Y'all have a great day!