Forum Discussion

Hexmon's avatar
Aug 23, 2019

Hooking up to a well

We live in out TT full time off grid. Its been a bit of a challenge but very rewarding. We recently bought our own piece of property and it already has sceptic, well, and electricity.
The challenge I am facing where I need help on is how do I connect the well to the TT?
It had a pump in the well, a black hose coming out of the ground with a wire wrapped around it. I have been told I needed a pressure tank to make this work but not sure about the size i need and what it all entails. Any help would be appreciated as I have not been able to find anything about it online.
Also Hi, I'm new here so be gentle lol.
  • For a permanent installation you should have a PVC pipe for the well pump discharge, get rid of the hose.
    This pipe connects to a well pump tank. The pump is cycled as needed by a well pump pressure switch, switch is controlled by the pressure in the tank, typical 30 to 50 psi is all that is needed.
    There may be variations depending on how deep the well is, shallow well, jet pump or submerged pump.
    Of course all this needs tp be in and insulated pump house to keep from freezing.

    Tanks have a diaphragm, air loaded on top and water below, come in all sizes. For just a TT a 15 gallon tank should work. Remember, when the pressure drops in the tank because of use the pump cycles on to maintain pressure

    could be as simple as this for a shallow well
  • In Florida the county health dept does well water testing for free, so you may want to check on that before paying. Call them and see what sort of sample the want and since you are not in FL see if they do this. If not ask them to recommend a lab. Do not use Calgon or some other such testers. The big thing they will check besides basic chemistry is for coliform bacteria which will reveal if your well is too near a sewage source.

    I was an environmental chemist for 32 years and I have no idea why you would ask them about plumbing issues, aka expansion tank size. That's a question for the well driller to answer. Or just look on Youtube
  • Get the well tested first and then test the water quality. Ask the well tester what size pressure tank he recommends assuming the well is good. I do not know about your state but here in NM you must also transfer the ownership of the well to your name with the state engineer. Here the well ownership does not necessarily transfer with the land title.
  • You would connect the same way as if you were in an RV park.
    Now lets go with some concerns.
    If you have a well setup that requires a pressure tank, get install before connecting.
    If you have a variable speed submersible pump, you are better off. The pump will turn to provide water closer to what the rig's is require for the number of faucets.
    Get a good quality pressure regulator. Connect it to the water spigot. When the pump with pressure tank runs it could have pressure switch setting too high for your RV.