RVUSA wrote:
Wow from Ca. to west by god virgina? Was it really that bad there? :B
If you are thinking of making money and are handy at the wood smithing, I would give a class A pulling a trailer with your wood shop in it too.
I was born here, but no longer my home. City gives me fines for stupid things like eves needing paint and moving of trash cans and other things. But does nothing about multiple families living in a single family home or other major issues.
I got a permitt to do landscaping work. Met the print perfectly then the city came back and told me I could not do what was on the drawings. This after I paid for the permit and work. I can go on and on. Don't get me started on the gang house that does who kows what with girls and boys. I just hate it here. So looking to buy a piece of land out of town to build and live what is left of my life.
We are also preparing for a ministry that as we travel we would go to different churches and teach them about small groups and the importance to the church and congregation.
I have a shop in my garage now. I am just learning about woodwork. Have a pen lathe for various project to gift as gifts and sell.
Thank you for your patience and time.