Forum Discussion

Pops_R's avatar
Oct 23, 2014

In Motion Satillite System for Motor Home

Will be buying a 2015 Thor Challenger next month and looking for feed back on "In Motion" Satellite systems.
I have read some (older comments) to the problems and service but have to wonder if it has improved now?
We will be Full Timers traveling at times with the grand kids and other family but mostly will just be the two of us.
The choices of in motion over stationary satellite systems is the question. How good is in motion and how often for those who have it, actually need it/use it?
We have yet received the options available and the price quotes for installation and set up that will be down at the dealer B4 pick up.
Any feed back will be greatly appreciated.
  • Ramair wrote:
    if grandkids are traveling with us, keeps them occupied.

    That is truly sad. :(
  • I donno, in motion tv for grandkids? Why not just put in a dvd for them...why do they need live tv? We have a collection of dvd's for adults and kids and whenever our grandkids go along with us, we strap them down on the couch and turn on a dvd of their choice.

    As mentioned, dome in-motion is SD only...for me, HD is the only way to go and I therefore will have nothing but a DISH Trav'ler....if you have DirectTV, then there is a Trav'ler for that too, albeit a little more $$.

  • We started with a King Dome standard sat system and it had issues and I was able to have King Dome swap it out for a in motion sat and love it. We full time and never have had an issue, weather we are parked or if grandkids are traveling with us, keeps them occupied. We use Dish and yes with a portable you can move it if you are in a lot of trees but we just ask when we park in a CG that we prefer a spot for Sat and our needs have been met. I would suggest in-motion yes they cost more but well worth the extra $$$.
  • In motion can be useless in trees. Grest in west Texas. It is also limited to SD only if you happen to use Directv.
    Get a Winegard Trav'ler you will be much happier at the end ofnthe day