As a full timer, I use a professional mail service in FL that handles all of my mail as well as providing me with a physical address for domicile purposes, the latter of which you may not need. They cater to Cruisers, RVers (part time and full time), Traveling Nurses, Business Executives working overseas, and Merchant Marines. They provide an actual street address vs P.O. Box, important in receiving UPS and Fed Ex deliveries.You'd need to submit a change of address request at your local PO and complete Postal Form 1583 and have it notorized. With proper identification, you can then set up your service for mail forwarding.
Your mail service provider should be able to offer you different services, including basic forwarding, ie. everything is forwarded. Another option; bulk rate mail and catalogs are deleted, except those you specify. Of course "custom mail service" is available where the service will sort specific pieces of mail and scan items for your viewing online.
The basic service is relatively simple. You contact the service via email or by phone and have them forward your mail to a P.O. marked General Delivery and you pick it up. Not all post offices accept general delivery, so it's best to verify with the branch you are considering. I've found that small town post offices work best for me. In a city with a half dozen locations, it can get confusing at times. You should be able to suspend your service while not traveling.
I would imagine such service would be offered in Ohio. If not, you'll find services in Florida, Texas, or S.D. Good luck and enjoy your travels.